Our Story

In Nov. 2020, The Montecito Journal Media Group launched The Giving List, a high-end print book coupled with a digital platform for Santa Barbara-based nonprofits and other key partners featured in its pages.
The program is the brainchild of the Giving List founders who – along with their highly philanthropic core investor group – understood that story-driven marketing would create opportunities for the region’s nonprofit community to engage greater numbers of existing and new donors.
The Giving List team printed and distributed 25,000 physical books to high-capacity donors in Santa Barbara County, successfully connecting nonprofits to donors and generating revenue. This experience inspired us to expand our footprint to the San Francisco Bay Area and Los Angeles in 2021.
Print runs for the 2023/2024 book in Los Angeles, San Francisco and Santa Barbara are 35,000, 35,000 and 25,000 respectively, reaching a minimum of 350,000 readers.
Target audiences include individuals with homes valued at $3 million or more, charitable foundations, philanthropic advisors, family offices and financial professionals (wealth managers, estate planners, CPAs) and their clients.