www.clccal.org(323) 980-1538Development Manager: Stephanie Talavera Mission Children’s Law Center of California (CLC) provides legal representation for children and youth impacted […more…]
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Children’s Law Center of California
Para Los Niños
www.paralosninos.orgManaging Director, External Affairs: Christina Mariscal Pasten(213) 250-4800, ext. 510 Mission We believe in the children, youth, and families we […more…]
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Vision To Learn
www.visiontolearn.org(310) 893-2336National Director and Chief of Staff: Damian Carroll Mission Vision To Learn was founded to make sure every child […more…]
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Ready to Succeed
www.readytosucceedla.orgCo-Founder and CEO: Romi Lassally(310) 422-2923 Mission RTS empowers youth impacted by foster care to graduate college, launch successful careers, […more…]
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Brady | United Against Gun Violence
www.bradyunited.org(202) 352-2434Chief Development and Engagement Officer: Liz Dunning Mission We’re uniting people from coast to coast, liberal and conservative, young […more…]
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