As a boy, Spencer Hawk loved school field trips to a playground where he could soar on the swings, slip […more…]
Inclusion Matters By Shane’s Inspiration
(818) 988-5676
CEO/Co-Founder: Tiffany Harris
To create inclusive playgrounds and educational programs that unite children of all abilities.
Begin to Build a Relationship
We know you care about where your money goes and how it is used. Connect with this organization’s leadership in order to begin to build this important relationship. Your email will be sent directly to this organization’s director of development and/or Executive Director.
You know that feeling when you go somewhere and you just feel like you belong? Almost instantly, the weight and worry about judgement about being ‘too different’ suddenly is lifted and you can suddenly be free, so comfortable in your own skin you don’t even know where to begin to try and describe it. Well that’s what was going on inside us today when we visited the Shane’s Inspiration playground in Griffith Park for the first time.
If You Build It, They Will Come — But Only If They Have a Ride
Playground field trips where kids of all abilities learn to play together are vital to the mission of Inclusion Matters by Shane’s Inspiration. The field trips teach typically-developing kids compassion and advocacy as they learn to play with differently abled kids. You can help fund transportation for this program:
$450: Bus for up to 5 students using wheelchairs.
$2,500: Multiple buses for a single field trip, serving up to 55 students.
$25,000: Buses for all field trips for a year.
Corporate and philanthropic organizations are invited to partner with Inclusion Matters on developing playgrounds in Los Angeles or globally, with budgets ranging between $500,000 – $2,500,000.
Key Supporters
Kurt Marsden, Wells Fargo
Katherine Bell, Paul Hastings LLP
Vice President
Ed Czajka, Preferred Bank
Jeff Garavanian, City National Bank
Jeff Apploff, Producer
Tiffany Harris,
Inclusion Matters by Shane’s Inspiration
Tommy Hollenstein, Artist/Advocate
Dr. Carol Kurz, Kaiser Permanente
Georgianna Junco-Kelman
Los Angeles Special Kids Attorney
Kat Scudder, Disney
Vinisha Vijay, City National Bank
Anita Wright, Northrop Grumman
Madelyn Alfano & Jeff Tucker
Mary Ann Hunt-Jacobsen
& Eric Jacobsen
Rick Kessler
Debie & Kurt Marsden
Pat & Nancy McCabe
Gina Goldman & Walter Schupfer
Michelle Schumacher & J.K. Simmons
Steve Soboroff
Ned Solot
Katherine Bell & Gabe Steffans
Catherine Curry-Williams
& Scott Williams (Founders)