Justice for Students with Educational Barriers

The Learning Rights Law Center exists for a singular purpose: To ensure that no child will suffer from the tragic […more…]

Learning Rights Law Center

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(213) 489-4030
Executive Director: Randi Sunshine


Learning Rights Law Center fights to achieve education equity for underserved families in Los Angeles and surrounding counties.  We provide free and low-cost legal representation, advice, advocacy and training to families and communities whose children, as a consequence of disability or discrimination, have been denied equal access to a public education.

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My son was diagnosed with a developmental disability at age two. My understanding of his special education rights was limited. I left IEP meetings feeling hopeless. I knew what my son needed, but not how to advocate for him. The tools I acquired through Learning Rights go beyond special education. I completed TIGER trainings and began to make assertive decisions after my first class. I obtained the tools to advocate and the confidence to make a change for my son, family, and community. Thank you Learning Rights for the tools of empowerment to create paths for individuals to a better quality of life!
Learning Rights TIGER Parent

Secure Educational Equity for Underserved Students

We provide free legal and advocacy services to low-income students with disabilities who face discrimination and are denied equal access to education.

Our TIGER program educates hundreds of parents each year, giving them the tools to navigate the special education system and advocate for their children. This intensive, year-long program empowers parents to be voices for education equity and reform in their own communities. 

Your support will enable us to reach our annual fundraising goal of $270,000 and continue our work to achieve educational equity and justice for low-income students who are denied equal access to education. 

Every $500 donated is another client that we can secure quality education services and support for. Your generosity will ensure that we will continue our vision for all children to receive a meaningful and equitable education which empowers them to grow into happy, productive, and independent adults.