Close to Home Prevention Program

Close to Home (C2H) focuses on violence prevention work, stemming from the experts themselves, the people who live in these communities. We look for community leaders and help them grow their skills and knowledge while expanding their network. With the goal of shifting social norms to promote healthy relationships among individuals, communities, and greater social and political structures.
The featured pictures show the recent graduation celebration of the community leaders in the San Fernando adult group, Manos Unidas. Merilla McCurry Scott, the Executive Director of StrengthUnited and Associate Director Jessica Romo were present at the event to present leaders with certificates celebrating the work they are doing to change their community. During this event the group created a Vision Board about how they imagine their ideal community, this vision will guide the work they do to prevent violence in their community.
Donate now!
Office: (818) 677-3063
Director of Development: Sarah Oesterle
Strength United is dedicated to ending abuse, empowering families and developing leaders.
Begin to Build a Relationship
We know you care about where your money goes and how it is used. Connect with this organization’s leadership in order to begin to build this important relationship. Your email will be sent directly to this organization’s director of development and/or Executive Director.
What We Need
Ask: $250,000
Impact: Each year the gap between the needs of the communities that we serve and the level of funding that we receive grows wider. Violence, hate crimes, and gender-based crimes are on the rise. StrengthUnited is stretched beyond its financial capacity.
As the need grows and our financial resources are stretched, there is also the unfortunate threat of a 30-40% reduction in funding (due to budget shortfalls) by one of our large funders. As a result, we would not be able to provide services to 750 clients.
Your donations help us continue to increase much-needed services and meet the growing demands of the communities we serve.
Key Supporters
The Ahmanson Foundation
Van Nuys Charities
The Everychild Foundation
Weingart Foundation
California Community Foundation
The Lawrence P. Frank Foundation
KM Foundation
The Southland Regional
Association of Realtors, Inc.
Mary A. James
Kim & Ernie Roth
Shari Tarver Behring
and John Behring
Nancy & Charles Hanson
Anna Schaerf