A Neuroscientist’s Perspective: J3’s New Advisory Board Member Brings Research-Based Expertise

By Giving List Staff   |   July 30, 2024
After years of consulting with J3 Foundation, Dr. Gotlieb has committed to bringing her expertise in literacy and childhood development to the Advisory Board.

Meet Rebecca Gotlieb, Ph.D. 

Her impressive credentials include educational neuroscientist, human developmental psychologist and the newest member of J3 Foundation’s Advisory Board. 

As a researcher at the Center for Dyslexia, Diverse Learners, and Social Justice at UCLA, Rebecca specializes in the coordinated development of literacy and social-emotional functioning in kids and adolescents. 

In other words, Dr. Gotlieb is a perfect fit to help J3 Foundation’s commendable mission to equip fourth graders with the reading skills, habits, and confidence they need to succeed. 

“I did have my own set of struggles in learning,” admits Rebecca, who was diagnosed with learning differences in high school. “That made me really interested in how people learn and what goes on in our brains, how my brain might be different.” 
She understands the challenges these students face and knows the stakes are high, especially for those with limited resources. Students who don’t read proficiently by third grade are four times likelier to drop out of school.

The research is clear. Two-thirds of students who cannot read proficiently by the end of fourth grade will end up in jail or on welfare. It’s a crushing statistic that offers a hopeful alternative, as helping one child to read can change their life forever. 

In the few years Rebecca has been consulting with J3, her expertise has been invaluable in the foundation’s goal of interrupting the school-to-prison pipeline. Dr. Gotlieb strongly believes that building students’ literacy skills can change their educational, economic, and career trajectories. 

“What I love about J3 is that they are addressing social, emotional, and literacy needs of kids in concert, which I think is the most realistic and effective way to support young people,” she adds.

J3 provides access to over 5,000 books as research shows student choice positively impacts reading time and learning outcomes.

Dr. Gotlieb touts the importance of J3’s culturally relevant, diverse, and inclusive books available in their lending library so kids can see themselves represented in the literature. 
“One thing that’s really incredible about J3 is the special attention students get and what that does to the heart and soul of a child,” she mentions, citing J3’s Cozy Reading Club, a free reading intervention program for kids in California’s underserved schools.

Ensuring students have a consistent teacher over time facilitates positive student teacher relationships and stronger understanding of learning needs, and better academic outcomes.

But the most exciting news is yet to come! Dr. Gotlieb is helping to pilot a new research-based initiative in which J3 alumni, currently in middle school, come back to tutor the fourth graders. The middle schoolers will act as mentors to the current students, along with having the opportunity to practice their reading. 

In the last year, J3 has doubled the number of students it serves and aims to expand their reach into other cities and hopefully states. Luckily Dr. Gotlieb’s research and expertise serving on the J3 Advisory Board will help transform the lives of countless children and their communities. 

Make a difference! Your generous donation will help J3 impart the literacy skills and emotional tools these students need to ensure a bright future!


J3 Foundation

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(310) 924-2422
Director of Operations: Bobbie Boggs-Miller

Matching Funds — $1,500 Funds a Young Reader

One of the reasons J3 Foundation has been so effective is that it’s stayed laser focused on what it does best: teaching kids to read. The Cozy Reading Club anticipates serving 700+ students this year and J3 hopes to double that number by attracting more private donations. Creating a new reader who will grow up to be a positive contributor to society costs the organization just $1,500 annually.
“I think it’s the best $1,500 we as a society could ever invest,” says Joe Blackstone, J3 Foundation co-founder. “And that number will go down as we get more students.”
Glaser Weil will match every dollar raised, up to $10,000.


To equip 4th grade scholars with the skills, habits, confidence, and book access they need for a lifetime of reading success

Begin to Build a Relationship

We know you care about where your money goes and how it is used. Connect with this organization’s leadership in order to begin to build this important relationship. Your email will be sent directly to this organization’s director of development and/or Executive Director.

I appreciate J3 for the organization’s commitment to doing everything possible when it comes to reading proficiency. It’s rewarding to see your dollars make an impact immediately. J3 Foundation is so well run that I don’t have to think twice about the actual support that’s being implemented. The rate they’re scaling is just amazing. J3 sees every child’s potential and never gives up on its mission.
– Carron Brown
J3 Advisory Board Member Vice President of Strategy,
Planning and Operations: Warner Bros. Discovery

Key Supporters

LA Lakers Youth Foundation
Warner Bros-Discovery: BOLD
CTBC Bank Corporation
Glaser Weil LLP
Armanino LLP
Barry Family Foundation
Joel & Sherry McKuin
Humberto & Maria Gray
The Book Foundation
Ocean Direct
Jeffrey & Nicole Westheimer
Bob & Karina Matuszak