More Than A Literacy Program: J3’s Cozy Reading Club Exceeds Expectations

By Giving List Staff   |   May 16, 2024
As the library transforms into J3’s Cozy Reading Club, the students settle into their safe space to learn without judgment and rediscover the joy of reading.

The library of Watts Learning Center in Compton was lined with twinkle lights and colorful canopies hung over individual reading nooks. 

I was supposed to be observing J3’s Cozy Reading Club, a free literacy intervention program for kids in California’s underserved schools;  but I wondered if I was in the right place. 

This was not a stereotypical reading program, and I mean that in the best way. 

“Come on in, Paula,” said Ms. Ward, a beloved teacher. “We are about to get started.”

While I took my seat, a chime rang out. The bustling fourth graders settled into the space, closed their eyes, and took deep breaths for a guided meditation. A sense of calm blanketed the room.

J3 Foundation employs the MindUp program and CASEL’s framework to enhance mindfulness, relationship skills, and social-emotional learning.

As one of J3 Foundation’s service providers, I never expected this visit to feel so personal. However, my academic journey was plagued by obstacles. Throughout grade school, the simple act of reading felt like an impossible challenge. It wasn’t until my college years that I discovered the root of my struggles—I had dyslexia. In my teen and pre-teen years, I often felt isolated as I watched my friends devour books that seemed like uncrackable codes to me. I thought I wasn’t “smart enough.” I wanted to be fixed, but didn’t know how or even what was wrong.

J3 Foundation recognizes that each student learns differently and ensures every child’s unique challenges are addressed.

Childhood illiteracy can be devastating to a student’s self-esteem. It has a direct impact on their future as they are 4X more likely to be unemployed in adulthood.

Back in the classroom, a young girl with a sky-high ponytail reminds me of myself – shy, uncertain, yet eager. She volunteers to read “I Love My Hair!” She stands alone at the front of the room, reading slowly and deliberately, which would have been impossible for her mere months ago. The teacher’s patience was particularly moving as they worked through challenging texts. As the girl finishes, every student and teacher snaps in appreciation.

J3 Foundation teaches much more than phonics. They carefully and compassionately remove the emotional obstacles to learning, allowing each child to experience the joy of reading without the weight of anxiety or self-doubt.

While many of these students don’t share my history with learning disabilities, their reading journey suffers obstacles of its own: lack of book access, under-resourced schools, and challenging community and home lives. And the consequences of not reading are high. 

Students who don’t read proficiently by third grade are 4 times likelier to drop out of school.

As one of J3’s service providers and a business owner, I am inspired to leverage resources to encourage their efforts. I hope my story will inspire others to donate or initiate a Cozy Reading Club program in their communities. 

Along with improving literacy, Cozy Reading Club’s relaxed atmosphere fosters a safe environment to learn and build self-esteem.

If I had a program like J3, I would have realized that a learning disability did not define my intelligence or capabilities. This is not just a reading club; it’s a haven where differences are understood and embraced; every child can learn without pressure. 

The library is quiet. The celebratory snaps fade away, and I notice the girl with the ponytail returning her book. Her smile radiates confidence. She’s a reader now. 

And she likes herself. Change a life today with your donation to J3 Foundation as they help kids in underserved communities build the confidence and literacy they need to succeed.

Paula Gambina owns Paula & Co, a creative content company in Los Angeles.

J3 Foundation

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Interim Manager of Fundraising & Communications: Beth Anderson
(612) 968-5570


To equip 4th grade scholars with the skills, habits, confidence, and book access they need for a lifetime of reading success

Begin to Build a Relationship

We know you care about where your money goes and how it is used. Connect with this organization’s leadership in order to begin to build this important relationship. Your email will be sent directly to this organization’s director of development and/or Executive Director.

J3 Foundation addresses one of society’s most pressing issues – low literacy rates among underserved children – with a strategic and data-driven approach.
As a founding board member, I’ve seen how every dollar invested in J3 yields measurable outcomes: higher reading scores, improved confidence, and long-term academic success. For those looking to make a meaningful impact, I can think of no better way than supporting J3’s efforts to change the course of a child’s future through literacy.
Roger Howard,
Partner at Glaser Weil LLP and J3 Board of Directors Member

Act Now to Rewrite a Child’s Future

Without support from a donor like you, these fourth graders risk getting left behind. 

Transform one child’s life for $1,500. Cover the cost of a trained Reading Coach for an entire school year at $10,000. Best of all, you could fund J3 Foundation’s expansion and make their dreams come true. $500,000 opens J3’s reading program at 10 new schools, reaching hundreds more children.  

Every dollar brings J3 closer to empowering more students to turn the page toward brighter futures. Please consider donating today to support this vital cause.

Key Supporters

Picerne Family Foundation
L.A. Lakers Youth Foundation
CTBC Bank Corporation
Santa Barbara Foundation
Richard Allan Barry Family Charitable Foundation
Blackstone Consulting, Inc
Allied Universal
J.P. Morgan Chase
Glaser Weil LLP
Greenway Supply Co.
Lido Advisors
Prem & Mary Ann Akkaraju
Joel & Sherry McKuin
Roger & Linda Howard
Brenda Anderson
Philip & Yasmin Harvey
Franklin & Patricia Hulsey
Martin & Akieva Jacobs