Celebrating Love, Family, and Hope: Kidsave’s 25th Annual Gala in Los Angeles

By Milan Lay   |   June 18, 2024
The Barkey family attends Kidsave's 25th Anniversary Miracles Gala at the Skirball Cultural Center in Los Angeles. Their adopted son Sebastian, second from left, shared his emotional story with attendees.

This year marked a significant milestone for Kidsave as they celebrated their 25th Anniversary Miracles Gala at the Skirball Cultural Center in Los Angeles. The theme, “Celebrating 25 Years of Love and Family,” resonated deeply, as families who had met through Kidsave’s transformative programs gathered to commemorate their journeys and Kidsave’s impact over the years.

Randi Thompson, Kidsave’s Co-Founder and CEO, also delivered a moving speech expressing her passion for Kidsave’s mission and her hopes for the future. Her dedication and vision have been instrumental in shaping Kidsave into the impactful organization it is today, and her words resonated deeply with all who share her commitment to creating a world where every child has a loving family. “This has been a super emotional night for Kidsave,” said Randi. “It’s a journey of families formed, generational change, and futures rewritten.”

This year’s honoree was Sari Grant, a longtime Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) partner. Her unwavering support for Kidsave and ongoing advocacy for older kids in foster care made her the perfect choice for such a milestone honor. “At first, I was skeptical,” said Sari. “But, through witnessing the program, not only did I become a believer, but I also became a strong advocate for Kidsave, and they’ve truly won my heart.” Her dedication inspires all, showing the power of collaboration and community in making a difference.

As the night drew to a close, the energy shifted to the dance floor, where attendees let loose and celebrated amidst music and laughter. It was a fitting end to a night filled with love, gratitude, and the shared belief that every child deserves a loving family and a place to call home.



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(310) 807-1389
Director of Development: Liz Crozer


Kidsave helps find forever families for older kids in foster care and orphanages so they can thrive in a home filled with love, support and encouragement.

Begin to Build a Relationship

We know you care about where your money goes and how it is used. Connect with this organization’s leadership in order to begin to build this important relationship. Your email will be sent directly to this organization’s director of development and/or Executive Director.

I am the evidence of the generational change that adoption brings. Without the adoption of my mother and the path it put her on, I wouldn’t be here. Adoption not only changes the life of the child and the family at the center of it, but it also creates these beautiful ripples that flow from it, and my family is proof of that. And that’s why I am so proud to support organizations like Kidsave who are creating life-changing ripples as champions for older kids in foster care.
Lindsay Price
Actress and 2023 Kidsave
Inspirational Voices Honoree

Help Kidsave Find Loving Families for More Kids Before They Age Out of the System

Three out of four kids in Weekend Miracles have found adoptive families or a lifelong connection.

“Next year Kidsave will celebrate our 25th anniversary. In honor of this milestone, we are asking 25 local donors to give $1,000 or more. Each gift allows us to help even more children find forever families and get them the love and care they deserve,” says Randi Thompson, Kidsave CEO and co-founder.

Key Supporters

Autry Foundation
Karey Burke and Michael Duggan
California Federation for
Stronger Communities
Disney Worldwide Services, Inc.
Employees Community
Fund of Boeing California
Leonard Green Foundation
Max and Karel Guefen
The Hicker Family
Conrad N. Hilton Foundation
The Bob and Nita Hirsch
Family Foundation
David and Janyce Hoyt
Audrey and Sydney Irmas
Charitable Foundation
Thomas and Dorothy Leavey
Ralph M. Parsons Foundation
M B Seretean Foundation Inc.
Dave Thomas Foundation
for Adoption
Venable Foundation, Inc.
Warner Bros. Television
WonderTent Parties